Much more impressive than Finest Hour
Single Player:
The Single Player portion was immersive. the controls have a very smooth feel to them and differ greatly from Finest Hour. (Fortunatley) There are wonderful, new vehicles, including tanks, that you can hop in and destroy your targets with ease. The missions differ throughout the game. There will be missions were it is all sniping, missions that are all in vehicles, and chaotic missions of just you on foot with a thompson, shooting anything that gets in your way. The graphics aren't all that impressive, but they don't suck too bad either. They're about as good as the visuals from Area 51. The missions were very fun, and make you feel like you are really in the middle of the battle. Things will explode all around you. Planes will chase after you shooting machine guns and missles. And lots of your men die in battle, which adds to the realism. The weapons choice was pretty impressive as well. Many different weapons, which include pretty much all the weapons from before, so with different upgrades, and some completely new weapons added as well. The single player part of this game really catches up to Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood. Which I wasn't expecting.
Xbox Live:
Great 16 player online multiplayer. Lags very little is very enjoyable because of that. Friends list, voice chat capabilities, and online scoreboards. many different gametypes. CTF, and some different "team slayer" type games. Pretty much all the weapons from single player have been thrown into multiplayer. Multiplayer is fast-paced, chaotic action that will impress any FPS or World War II fan.
Big Red One suceeds greatly over finest hour, and mostly all of the other Call of Duty games that were released on PC. This will definitley please you while you are waiting for Call of Duty 2 to be released on the xbox 360.
When you take the awesome, action packed single player mode, and put it with the chaotic, fast paced multiplayer, you get a great FPS that will please most anyone.