Man this game sweet! Y yall dont like it. All yall dont like it do one thing GET THE **** BACK!!
User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 2: Big Red One XBOX
Best game in CoD series. IDK y yall dont like it. GO out & buy the freakin game. ULL luv it. DONT BUY CoD 1 cause it sucked BIG BALLES. AND DONT BUY HALO 2 If u dont have already. HALO 1 WAY BETTER!! dsfjhdshf fhhf fghfdhg lfhg gfgkljjfgfgfdjgklfdgf jkljb j j nj h kljoj j kl jolj j kl gbhfg fhjfgjhgfWhen writing your review, remember to keep the language clean. Reviews must be 100 words minimum. We encourage you to try to get your review right the first time--you may choose to edit it later on, but by doing so, you will lose any positive feedback associated with the review. We encourage you to write your review in a word processor or text editor, save it to your local disk, then copy and paste it into the posting box below.