User Rating: 9.4 | Call of Duty 2: Big Red One XBOX
Although it might be a bit on the easy side and the game is quite short,it offers a great storylineline, good graphics and and best of all excellent gameplay. The characters are great and the guns are ace, all that it lacks is a few more levels ,( Im talking about the xbox version so it might be differ'nt for those of you with ps2 's and xbox 360's)I always wonder what happens between the prologue and the fist leval(baptism by fire).And maybe a few more levels after the dragons teeth following them to the end of the war.Also the Libarator level as brilliant and it would be even better knowing you had a few more levals following it,but i think its a game you can play again and again and it will never get boring. On my point of view i think its the best game of 2005,and i think it's BRILLIANT.