This is war! as beautiful as it is hell.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 2: Big Red One PS2
We will never know what the men who went in to battle went through during World War 2. But we do have films and games that give us only a taste of this. Medal of Honor has been at the top of doing this for years. And went down hill somewhat, and now we have Call of duty. The first was grate but had nothing that really set it apart from Medal of Honor. And now with the big red one it dose. And how dose it d that…because it’s epic! Every level seems like a fight for your life in some of the most intense battles you shall have played. Adding to this is the improved enemy AI, in which enemies run for cover, hide, evade and hit you if you come to close. Truly a frightening enemy this time around.

But the best thing about this game that brings it all to life is the graphics. The landscape is beautifully rendered and just as beautifully destroyed. This is where it gets epic as planes come down on you, bombs are dropped all over the place and bullets shoot up the ground. And its thanks to an amazing particle system that allows this to look so real! Explosions look amazing and going into battle has never seemed so scary. To sum up, big red one is an amazing game to play and one that shall go down in my book as one of the best war games out there! Call of duty, we salute you!