call of duty1 was amazing,but cal of duty2 is mind blowing man.this game has.......

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 2 PC
mind blowing action,dont even let u take 1min rest,just constant this is my type of game.i think its 100% better than ea war franchise.i think its one of the best ww2 is rocking from start to end. some levels lke point ad hoc is just mind blowing.when u climb the mountain up and bullets & bombs raining on u it looks very god.British campaign is also very good full of action & same goes for russian is true has pretty god melee attacks too. game dosent have health packs.when u r hit just go into cover & then back in direction is very good.this game deserve 10/10 . just cant wait for cod3.person who loves war games .than this your game.just go for it.