A historic first person shooter that grabs ahold, and won't let you go. A must for any fan of FPS.
Graphically, it was maybe the best game for the 360 at launch. And all that extra hardware in the 360 that the previous system didn't have, was put to good use for this game. Between the eerie feeling of small towns that are inhabited only by German forces that want you dead, to the dusty and loud beach landing of Normandy, and the ever memorable Hill 400 attack, this game puts you in the war like no other WWII game has. Activision did a great job putting together the soldiers of both the allied, and the German front, both with their own little touches that make them look as life-like as ever. The environments are big, and the sounds really submerse you in a gaming experience that you won't soon forget.
One of the most impressive points of the game for me, was the weapons. Between the Thompson, the MP-40, and my personal favorite, the "potato-masher" grenade, this game has just about every weapon from the era that was heavily used by either the allied forces or the axis. The sounds, rate-of-fire, differentiating accuracy, and look of these weapons really make it feel like you're the one pulling the trigger. And there's nothing sweeter than actually being able to see your enemy drop, while looking down the sight, after a well place bullet has just left the barrel.
As for the enemy AI, expect a fierce fight from your foes, as they will not only shoot back with great accuracy, but they'll also hide behind cover, attempt to flank you, and toss back that greatly thrown grenade you just lobbed. As for your guys, they have the same technology in them that the enemies do. They'll hide themselves, call for cover while they reload, and even toss an enemy grenade back at the thrower if drops close to them.
With all those great things aside, don't get me wrong, the game does have it's flaws. While the designers made sure that you have allies fighting with you at all times, the enemy always seems to throw a little extra firepower your way, regardless. And the AI does show it wear late in the game, as your guys become a bit dumbfounded by the enemy fire, and don't hesitate to walk right out in the path of oncoming bullets. Other than that, my only real complaint is the reoccurring level design during the British campaign. Fighting in the desert becomes a bit old after about 10-12 segments straight. There's only so much you can do with dust and sand.
Now that that's all been said, if you put all of the pluses on side of the scale, and all of the negatives on the other, the plus side will hit the ground hard, propelling any complaints I have straight into the air. This game is a fantastic shooter, and activision did about everything right while putting this one together. My hats off to them.