The Definitive World War II Game

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 2 X360
The title "Best in the Series" can often be misleading, and in the case of Call of Duty 2, it's meant to be the best game in the entire Call of Duty Franchise, that honor belongs to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but rather CoD 2 is the best game in the Call of Duty World War II Series.

With Call of Duty 2, the player is returned to the role of a Russian Red Army Soldier, British Desert Rat, or US Army Ranger in the midst of World War II in Europe. Like it's predicessors the game is divided into three campaigns, Russian, British, and American. Each of which focus on a different front of the war. The Russian Campaign once again focuses on the events surrounding the Battle of Stalingrad, however an improvement has been made by setting the first mission during the Siege of Moscow. The British Campaign is actually divided, with the bulk of it taking place in North Africa, the climax of which is the famous Second Battle of El Alamain, however the final mission of the British Campaign actually takes place in Normandy, focusing on the Battle of Caen. The American Campaign is also divided into two distinct branches, focusing on Normandy and the Push into Gemany.

The game has made some improvements over it's predicessor, for the first time you are presented with a linked campaign, with characters from the American and British Campaigns interacting with each other during the final mission of the game, and fighting on the same battle front during the American Campaign. Another improvement is the expansion of the British and Russian Campaigns, to include the Siege of Moscow, and the Battle of El Alamain. The biggest improvment is of course the graphics, which are far more realistic then the first Call of Duty Game, which help add a far more gritter feel to the game then it's predicessor, and the addition of improved multiplayer is a welcomed sight.

Despite it's successes, CoD 2 does have it's fair share of flaws, the biggest of these is that the campagins are reused, in fact many such as Normandy, have been done to death. The reuse of old campaigns makes the game play at times feel stale and repetivive, which will take away from the game's over all enjoyablity.

Dispite these flaws, CoD 2 is by far the definitive World War II: European Theater Game, thanks in part to it's strong storyline, and vast multiplayer. The game will without a doubt appeal to fans of the Call of Duty series, and World War II games, as well as traditional Hard Core gamers.