My favorite WWII game ever! Not to mention the BEST FPS for the 360!
You may wonder why It took me soooo long to write this review...well, I wanted to master the game first.
The Graphics are awesome....almost as good as GRAW... the sound is second to NONE, and the gameplay is flat out awesome.
The Campaign mode is long enough to keep you happy...and it should take you darn near forever to beat the game on VETERAN....its a rediculous setting....makes you feel like you're taking on the entire german army in waves....
The multi-player is also darn near perfect! My friends and I have been playing this for months now....there are about 12 maps in the game, but there are more available through LIVE.
All I can say is that this is an awesome game....if you don't own it and you do own a better buy it....and get in on what everyone is talking about....