Shoot em up fix
The single player campaign stretches through real campaigns during WWII from the Russian, British, and American fronts in North Africa, Germany, France, and Russia. It's pretty intense and all and emphasizes squad based combat but you know the drill shoot the black suits. While the AI is much improved and smarter( They actually can kill quite a few Nazi's) your still manning the guns. The most interesting thing here that should've been included in the first Call of Duty is the endless squad deployment you get infinite men usually in missions. That makes the squad based action alot more senseful.
The graphics in this game are absolutely great. Even running on low graphics with AA x2 it still looks, plays, and shoots great. The opening scene for the D-Day invasion is epic intense and sadly pretty to look at. You could play that mission over and over again just to see men die and artillery. That said the sound in this game is also great. Intensity is at a whole new level with the excellent graphics too. Machine guns fire with loud booms tanks shatter buildings brings ringing to the ears. Artillery and climatic gunfights basically feel like the real deal. You could just sit and listen to the game sometimes.
Of course with all this good stuff there has to be something to actually do. Don't worry they got you covered in gun's and missions. All your mission objectives make sense and are very interesting to complete. Some tank and other interesting missions were too short which made you want more.
Now how do you fight those big waves of nazis defending the flak 88 gun? With massive firepower of course. All the guns in the game are realistically modeled and feel and sound like your really a soldier in WWII. Thompsons to Winchester Shotguns to Rocket Launchers the game's got you covered in historical weaponary.
The multiplayer in the game is alright and the added kick is the mods for the game. Now all this wouldn't come with some foul. The game requires a real beast of a PC to run at a smooth FPS even on low. You may not notice it alot in single player but it gets downright dirty when your killed in multiplayer because you were lagging.
So if you need a good WWII game COD 2 is there for you. If you need to shoot some Nazi's COD 2 is also there for you.