One of the most over-rated games ever.

User Rating: 7.2 | Call of Duty 2 PC
Call of Duty 2 is a mostly mindless shooter that offers up some decent gun play for a few hours. Tossed in are some well done scripted sequences and some open vehicle levels which help jazz things up a bit. The basic game-play in single player is to go from point A to point B and kill everything ,except for the friendly troops that fight with you in large numbers. A decent multi-player game helps add fun and value.

The AI shows a small amount of intelligence and enemies will duck for cover and occasionally flank. Since your health will regenerate ala Halo, you never have to worry about taking any hits. If you want to beat a level just charge through, it's rarely much of a challenge and some levels can be beaten in under two minutes.

The visuals are passable, but fail to impress on a high end PC. Forget about seeing any good physics here as even the windows can't be shot out. Scattered throughout the levels are some crates and barrels that can be destroyed and it should be noted that when things blow up, they blow up good.

Where Call of Duty truly shines is in it's scripted moments and the massive amounts of on screen characters at any given moment. The frame rate is solid throughout and the sound is of an extremely high quality. Over all the presentation is lackluster however, with little to no CGI work and only grainy World War 2 photos shown slide-show style to set the mood.

If you love WW2 games and you are light on skills the single player experience will offer a marginal amount of fun. Taking the fight on line extends the overall value but in the end it isn't enough to warrant a higher score.

Don't believe the hype.