This game is truly fun to play.Onlines just a little off.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty 2 X360
This game is a very good game,so long as you don't expect too much variety and you haven't played Gears of War online.I mean single player's a blast and playing as three different countries armies is quite pleasing.My only complaint is that the missions don't really vary too much from level to level.You can only plant bombs and snipe enemies so many times.The online on the other hand is a little lacking.Its just run around on the map,shoot at the other guys,and bam.There's online rolled into a sentence.It is fun,don't get me wrong,but once you've played Gears of War or Rainbow Six Vegas online,you realize the possibilities online.The depth and skill it takes online in those to games is really spectacular.This is fun though and if you enhoy FPS games then this game should be right up your ally.