Short but sweet.
Lets start with gameplay. It appears that Infinity Ward and Activision pulled their magnificent Call of Duty 1 gameplay yet again. It is fanatical, truly something to be marveled. I believe every video game industry should truly study it and master it, it would make some better games.
As far as graphics go, I believe this is something they could have done better with. Now, I'll give it to em, they're pretty awsome, but I do not believe that they did not take full advantage of the next generation software.
Sound is pretty sweet. Very realistic, if you have a good sound system, get ready because its gonna rock you.
The one problem with the game is its just too damn short. I beat it first day on medium difficulty. 'Nuf said about that though. And the one other problem is the multiplayer, damn it sucks do not play, do not try to play, its not worth the 3-4 minutes trying to get into a game. When you do get into a game its laggy as sh!t.
Overall I think the game is worth renting, but don't put all 60$ into it, its not worth it.