Out of the sea of WWII games, this is the best one out there.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 2 X360
When I purchased my xbox 360 system last month, of course I needed a game to go with it. As xbox 360 owners know, there isn't a lot to choose from yet, and when you are shelling out that kind of bread for a system, you wanna get something that you know is good when purchasing a game. Call of Duty 2 did not disappoint. The graphics and gameplay are awesome. This game definitely feels "next gen" in my opinion and there isn't a lot negetive I can say about this game. I do feel it to be a little on the short side, and playing it on the higher difficulty settings can be very frustrating. I cursed the game out quite a few times, and some levels did take some trial and error. All in all a great launch title. For those looking for a great game to play for the xbox 360, you can't go wrong with Call of Duty 2.