single player: materpiece multiplayer: ****
Pretty much exactly what you'd expect. You take the role of several different soldiers throughout the different campaigns and you plod your way through each of the missions. There are 13 campaigns total, but each is made up of several missions, which makes for a pretty hefty game. There are very few instances where I felt like I had already played this mission, which I have found to be the case with other WWII shooters. Weapon choice is mostly preference, but there are definite advantages and disadvantages for every weapon you find. Enemy AI is quite possibly the finest I've ever seen in any other game. They will do everything to kill you. They are unrelenting and will give you quite a hard time even on normal difficulty. That brings me to the Achievements for playing Veteran difficulty. Be warned, Veteran difficulty is a deathwish. It is insanely difficult, but also quite satisfying when you do finally accomplish it. In short, the gameplay isn't necessarily groundbreaking, but definitely great.
Online is a totally different story. While I didn't get lag every time, it seemed like 8/10 matches I was totally bogged down to the point where I couldn't even really move. This does not make for a fun live experience, especially after playing much Perfect Dark Zero. Also, the omition of creating your own game and inviting people (and the max 8 players to a round) really hinders the experience...Even if there wasn't lag. Considering how great the single player campaign is, the multiplayer is a big blemish on an otherwise beautiful package.
Pretty self-explanatory...They are breathtaking. I brought my dad in to watch some of it and he was amazed at the detail and realism that goes into everything. The environments look real, the weapons look great...well, damn near everything looks perfect. I noticed no frame rate issues (except online). My only complaint about the graphics is the radar/map thing doesn't look so hot. It can be kinda hard to read at times.
Oh good god...If there is one thing that tops the graphics of this game it is the sound. One of the most memorable moments for me is in the very first mission where you are making your way through a trench and tanks start rolling overhead...while they cue the orchestra. Gave me goosebumps. Aside from that music and the music in the load screens, I never noticed much else...but honestly, it doesn't matter. The guns, people, vehicles, explosions, background noise are all frighteningly realistic and vivid. If you don't have a good surround system, you are missing out on a nearly cinematic experience.
The singleplayer campaign is fairly long and has some replay value if you decide to go back and attempt to play on Veteran. I think most players should be able to beat everything in around 10 hours, give or take. I'm not even gonna say that multiplayer adds much to the value, but if they fix the lag or at least bump the max players to 16 (or more) it will greatly increase the experience. It could probably serve well as a rental if you have the time to sit down and plow through it, but there is replay value available if you are a fan of the series, or a fan of FPSes. I have not regretted buying it myself.
Reviewer's Tilt:
This game has completely renewed my interest in WWII shooters. I can honestly say that I am looking forward to Call of Duty 3. I can only hope they will patch the multiplayer, as that would make the game so much more enjoyable...However, singleplayer is worth the cost of admission.