call of duty is a great ww2 first person shooter for the xbox 360 i recommend this game to anyone with a 360

User Rating: 8.7 | Call of Duty 2 X360
this is one of the best first person shooters i have played in a long time people have been trying to compare this game to G.R.A.W. and u cant do that because call of duty take place in ww2 and G.R.A.W. takw place in the year 2013 thats centuries apart ones future warfare and ones old school warfare and yea call of duty has sum problems but there working them out and making improvment u cant expect everything to be perfect the first time around cant wait for call of duty 3 when that one come out i dont think im ever gonna stop playing it oh yea almost 4got battle feild 2 moderen combat come out next month thats gonna be an awsome game