The best game ever to come out

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 2 PC
i know i've already posted one review but who's gonna complain? anyway i have bought the game last saturday blowing off my allownce but it's worth it of course i'm a big fan of call of duty and UO and i was addicted to the game as if the game was some kind of a drug. There are many people who thinks the CoD 2 is not much of a worth of playing and does not measure up to its value and they're wrong-o! I know people complain about few things like Haloish kind of health (if you don't know it it's like the character regenerates health if it is left alone long enough) and no sprints and no 2 main weapons however the compensation with graphic and sound and game play is just amazing. one time in game in american mission where a GI shoots a panzershreck into a door and a german comes out with flames on his body! that was just so amazing that i was speechless. I have beaten through the russian and british campaign just in around 5 to 7 hours or so in easy mode so i expect if you play in regular or hard you'll spend around 13 to 16 hours of play to beat the whole thing and the game itself draws you in for replay and in different levels every time will be played in different aspect as you play the whole thing again. In conclusion the game is done with the maximum amount of effort the Activision and Infinity wards and i thank them for such a wonderful game they've brought to us and sometimes i wonder if i had not purchased CoD1 for my b-day, would i have been more of a studious person? :) Anywho i strongly recommand this game over any FPS game and i would play this until CoD 3 comes out