An excellent single player with an unfortunate multiplayer.
User Rating: 8.4 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360 is definitely one of the better games on the 360. The single player is rock solid and gets very hard on higher difficulty settings. Unfortunately the multi player is the complete opposite of the single player. It can be fun but if you get into a game with 8 player's the lag is unberable. There is also no create-a-match options or some sort of lobby. I say rent it first because, while the single player is good, you can easily beat the default difficulty settings. Even if you bring the difficulty up you can still beat this game in a rental period (especially if you get it from blockbuster who has the no late fees). It doesn't really matter if you have Xbox live or not because the multiplayer isn't very good. Fortunately Infinity Ward is working on a patch to fix the lag on Xbox Live ( I think ).