Something must have happened during the 360 launch:people thought PDZ was the game,when actually COD2 was the real deal

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Yes people : this was the game to buy with your new 360 (together with PGR3), the rest was not important. Cant imagine why PDZ got a better grade (that game had the worst controls ever) here on gamespot, but hey: everybody's got different taste. True, here there are no innovations, but everything is done the way its supposed to be: great graphic and gameplay, easily the best WW2 shooter up to now. It feels great in your hands, some moments are memorable, the game's got only one issue: the online side.
Infinity Ward, whats up with that? do you know you just took 3 point off your game?boh....but back to the game: you'll enjoy till the end, cause the single player campaign is not that short. in the end : a GOOD game, worth your money.