Yes people : this was the game to buy with your new 360 (together with PGR3), the rest was not important. Cant imagine why PDZ got a better grade (that game had the worst controls ever) here on gamespot, but hey: everybody's got different taste. True, here there are no innovations, but everything is done the way its supposed to be: great graphic and gameplay, easily the best WW2 shooter up to now. It feels great in your hands, some moments are memorable, the game's got only one issue: the online side. Infinity Ward, whats up with that? do you know you just took 3 point off your game?boh....but back to the game: you'll enjoy till the end, cause the single player campaign is not that short. in the end : a GOOD game, worth your money.
By Madskillz999 | Review Date: Jan 06, 2006 | X360
Call of Duty 2 takes you into the trenches of World War II, starting with the frozen tundra of Russia under attack. High realism levels really draw you into the combat. You start out as a raw Russian recruit, in the ... Read Full Review
I finally Completed the game on the Veteran setting and whew that was hell. Man let me tell you, the game was fun and exciting all the way through on the regular setting. But If you think you got what it takes to be a WW... Read Full Review