User Rating: 9.4 | Call of Duty 2 PC
I played Call of Duty for a long time (matter of fact up until about a month ago it was sill on my system!) It was for a while my favorite game. I had watched Saving Private Ryan and short ly after I bought COD. It was the first "combat" game I had played where the combat actually looked real. When you see some one get shot, instead of just falling they grabbed the injured area, or flailed around for a second, or if a grenade hit near them their bodies would actually fly up in the air. The explosions would leave them deaf for a few seconds or leave a ringing in their ears...It was just like in the movie. I had seen the expansion packs in the stores and was curious but I was determined to hold out til COD 2 was released. I can honestly say IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT! The graphics are better the sounds are better and the missions are just as intense as the in the first game if not more so. A favorite part of the game for me, is when you shoot at an enemy with the sniper rifle and hit them in the head their helmet flies off and instinctively they look around to see where it went and then look back at you and POW! I'm glad I waited for this one. Also the multi-player is awesome....I had the chance to play on a Sniper server (only sniper rifles allowed) and it was very interesting and fun