nice first person shooter nice combination of graphics along with perfect gameplay. It has almost humanlike realism.!!

User Rating: 8.1 | Call of Duty 2 PC
The campain is so good you can almost live it. The game is one we have not seen in a long time so spoilers will be kept to the minimum so you can experince the campain. something about the graphics , splendid , it leaves behind a sensation of war , people are so real! something bad about the game is that you do not have a health indicator, so you can't say when you are going to die!. Gameplay is just right compined but with a slight non realism , when a team mate dies another one comes instead.

Something about the multiplayer it's awesome just like CoD , CoD 2 gives great maps big a spledid with a lot of new weapons!

that was my review short but good ( at least i think so ). You really outh to buy this game it is splendid and well done. Activion's Number 1 game! Buy it...experiece it!!!