Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360. Great !
The game itself is great, and compared to the PC version there is no real difference. I had one crash during the PC on an Egyptian level and no crashes for the 360. Yet some would say that the 360 offers less control compared to using a mouse. This actually didn't cause me a problem, the controls were natural and options to change the XY axis automatically during the first mission helped a great deal. I would not fault the game.
The missions were the same except the added 360 achievements, which only really are gained if you complete Veteran levels. So you want to know if I completed it in 2 days. Sadly no. I took the game back for the exchange earlier today for "Bully" which I have yet to play. I actually got to "The Silo" on Veteran, which was quite good, but I have completed the game on the PC. I actually got frustrating caught trying to capture a house. (F). Which I am not sure whether I was doing them in the right order, but because of time limit I chose F after A. I even remember F being a pain in the royal backside playing in Normal on the PC.
Fate will bring me back to this excellent game one day, maybe not today, maybe not tommorow but one day I will complete the last two mish on Veteran.
If you have not played COD2 then you are missing out.