The best wargame period!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Every four or five years there is always that new console war that begins and the launch war starts--what games are the best? Personally i think call of duty, PDZ, and PG 3 rank pretty high on the list of launch titles. COD 2 takes you visaully where no other war game has before, and the gameplay is superb from what ive experienced at demos set up a bestbuy and walmart. It truly is a masterpiece, and it is awesome that now console owners can say that their game surpasses the pc version hehe. Since Socom 3 kind of dissapointed me now i have something else to look forward to---heh just looking at the smoke graphics gives me that warm tingling feeling on the inside. Only let down to this game is that only 8 people can play online---whats up wit dat? Other then that the game a pure gold.