Very enjoyable yet frustrating!

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Call of Duty 2 is a difficult review for me. This FPS provided many hours of undeniable fun but some aspects seemed to spur many hours of frustration.
Let's start with the single player campaign. As soon as you jump into the game you can see the mass of potential that surrounds you. As you progress through the training and into the "fog of war" you begin to realize the time that went into this game. The smoke is one of the first things that will really make you feel as if your purchase or rent was justified. This is one of the first games in which not only does the smoke look great but it actually plays an essential roll in your fight against those fascist pigs.
The default difficulty setting is fine for beginners or the seasoned veteran. As I have found though, you get the true sense of accomplishment if you play it on veteran. This level takes patience and a willingness to restart at your last checkpoint as the deaths are easy to come by. The AI on this level is not too impressive to me though. It doesn't seem to be intelligent at all. Your comrades will run in front of your barrage of bullets, meanwhile it seems your enemies only fire at you sometimes completely ignoring one of your friendlies firing ten feet in front of him. The variety of the levels is strangely similar and yet different at once. You will find them changing minor things in the levels and yet those minor changes seem to really break up the monotony of it all. Overall the single player alone makes this game a classic that we will be talking about for months to come.
Now, onto the part that hurts, the multiplayer. The multiplayer, first off, had the potential to be amazing. Plagued by bugs, lag, and a total lack of features really sold this title short of the upper echelon. To start, the lobby in general seemed to take a step backward instead of being "next gen". There were no friends slots, in fact, you couldn't even host a game at all by choice. If you did manage to host a game it was by pure luck alone and getting friends in that game should have been considered a "mini-game" and successfully getting friends in should have awarded you a 1000 point boost to your gamerscore. In my experience, which has been quite a bit, I found that roughly 50% of the games I entered were too laggy to even play but in their defense, when I did manage to get in a lag free game I was consumed by the entertainment value. The patch has now come out though, and some thought that I should include the patched game as my review but I disagree with that belief. I believe a game should be reviewed as the initial product unless there is a rare circumstance when the game has an update available almost immediately. In this case it took nearly four months to patch and therefore this review is based on the originally released product.
Overall this game provided me with countless hours of entertainment. There were bugs and lag during multiplayer play that accounted for hundreds of grey hairs but I would still recommend this game to any fan of this genre.