Utterley amazing!

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty 2 PC
So Call of Duty is back, this time its duex, and i have to say hands down that this is the best single player shooter ever created. It has to be the most imersive shooter as well. The graphics and sound create this auroa of awsomeness that no one has ever created before. 2 this you need to play this game are 5.1 surrond sound and a pitch black quiet room. From there you have the base for the most fun you will ever have. This game is so immersive, that i found my self talking to my self. things like "God dang You, you geinus Mcgragor" and "Jerrys at the six!" "potatoe masher!". The charcters, well the ones that dont die really stick with you. The only beef that i have with the immersiveness, is a graphical issue with the game, water looks like crap. Its Just blue flat surface, not like ull be seeing alot of it, and some of it, like puddles are very scripted and are semireflected(they look good). SO rivers and the sea will look bad. SOund is the best ive heard for most games.

The single payer is the bomb, but what about the multiplayer. Well that rox too. but that is more of how you make it. overall this game is a must buy.

only beef is the water and semi-short single player experince.( one hardest isnt noticable.)