You want war, Call Of Duty 2 gives war! REAL WAR!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 2 PC
Well now a days most of the(good) FPS either take place in a fantasy world or are something with which one cannot relate.

Call Of Duty changed this significantly with it's "LIVE THE WAR" gameplay style where one goes guns blazing.
In Call Of Duty 2, you control either a Russian, an English or an American...all control in the same way and the thing I found different about the 3 of them-They have different handwritings.
Ok now let's get to the point.
Graphics-The game has simply AMAZING graphics provided that you have a descent pc to handle it. The explosions..the rubble and the environment all successfully provide the feel of REAL WORLD WAR.
Gameplay-Gameplay remains true to the formula implemented by Call Of Duty. It's run and gun and sometimes run and gun and destroy some tanks and stuff.
Sound-This is the strongest Part of the game..The voice acting and the environmental sounds are simply fabulous when you are Russian..your comrades really sound Russian..
Only thing that left me wondering was: Why would Russians speak English during the heat of the battle???
Tilt/Story- There's no story as such...It's just the basic WW history u play through.

CLOSING COMMENTS--Game's cool and the best thing is KICKING THE NAZI ASS,