The Most Realistic WW2 Game Ive Ever Seen!
The gameplay was awesome. The AI wasn’t the smartest, but they did however get more aggressive and a bit smart. For example now they can pick up the grenade and throw it back at you. The levels were, and each one of them was different and unique. The only thing I was disappointed at was that the Russian campaign was too short, and I think it should have been longer. I liked what they did to the weapons, and the sniper too because now you have to press "Shift" to hold the sniper rifle steady. This time there’s no med packs, it only depends on how many shots are fired at you right away.
The graphics were nice too, and they did not lag the game. Definitely better graphics, and more realistic graphics.
The sound was amazing and very realistic. I liked how you hear the shots in the background, and it sounded like your fighting a real battle.
The multiplayer is fun too, but unless you a good player at FPS games, don't expect to pwn people because most of the gamers there are pro. There’s different multiplater gametypes such as capture the flag, and Headquarters.
The value I believe was a ripoff, but it really depends where you buy it. I bought it at EB Games for $70.
Overall I believe if you like WW2 games or any war games, then Call Of Duty 2 is a definitely must.