Amazing for one of the first games released for the Xbox 360.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 2 X360
I am honestly amazed with this game. It is one of the first games released for the 360 and it surprised me a lot.

The player takes the part of a couple of soldiers in some missions during World War II. You can carry two different weapons at once while carrying smoke and frag grenades. You can kneel or go prone on the battlefield to get the best protection from the cover provided for you. You can take control of enemy machine guns, flak cannons, and in certain missions you can drive tanks. There are many intense battles that will amaze you. One of my favorite missions is the Pointe du Hoc D-Day mission. When you climb over the wall you will be amazed as you see a huge battlefield with explosions going off everywhere, guys being mowed down, bullets whizzing by you, it`s one of the most intense battles I have ever played.

The characters in the game are Private Vasili Ivanovich Koslov who participates in the battle of Stalingrad, Sergeant John Davis in the North Africa and some of the Normandy campaign, and Corporal Bill Taylor in the battle of Normandy.

There are four campaigns in all. In the Eastern Front you will be playing as Private Visili Koslov. The first mission will be a training mission which will lead to beating back a German assault. The player is transferred to Stalingrad a year later and must recapture a building, hold that position and then recapture another building. After this you go to house to house fighting across Stalingrad and then finally destroy some German tanks with sticky bombs. You then have to retake and hold a train yard followed by more house to house fighting and then you basically get to go on a sniping montage.

In the North African campaign you play as Sergeant John Davis of the 7th Armoured Division. The first mission makes you do a sneak attack on the Germans and then you get to blow up a valuable German Supply Station. Then you defend a town under a mass amount of Germans. Then you mission is to capture a German HQ by fighting your way through trenches, machine gun nests, and destroying some flak 88s. You then take the role of a British tank Commander by the name of David Welsh. You basically shoot a bunch of tanks and infantry before you beat that set of missions.

In the battle of Normandy you play as corporal Bill Taylor of the 2nd Ranger Battalion. You first do the assault of Pointe du Hoc destroying artillery batteries and sniping morter crews. Then you do the Hill 400 mission where you fight your way up a giant hill destroying bunkers as you go, and then holding the hill against the counter offensive.

Crossing the Rhine is the final mission where you are immediately under fire providing cover fire against the Germans while you cross the river and then battle your way through most of the town.

This is a long game but a good one. The graphics are definitely not like todays, but for a 2005 game they are really well done. You should really give this game a shot. Its intense battles will have you shaking with excitement and amazement after your done.