An excellent FPS game. Best one on the 360 to date.
User Rating: 9.6 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Now, i am not one to review another World War 2 game and expect it to be any different from ALL THE OTHER one's that i have played. But after playing CoD2, i have to change my mind. You start off in the Russian campaign, then go to the British campaign, and then finally the good ol' United States campaign. I normally play a new game on easy, but for this one, i put it on regular, just to give myself a challenge. And boi was it one. The Single Player spans all the campaigns i just mentioned, with either two or more missions inside each campaign. But you play as a different person spanning all those years in the war. The Gameplay is simply awesome, the controls feel just right, and everything is just so damn cool. Loading a weapon looks cool. Graphics are probably the best i have seen so far for a 360 title. As far as FPS standards go, Perfect Dark 0's are really sharp, but these are just astounding. The Audio in this game, is just, WHOA, mindblowing to say the least. When one of your squadmates says something like enemies advancing to the east, or something of that nature, you better listen in, becuz your teammates respond to actions happening all around. So it is best to take their advice when they say something.
Value in this, go get it. It's an excellent game for your 360, if you haven't got this game yet, and you're a fan of FPS games like i am, you are doing yourself a BIG FAVOR by getting this game. Reviewer's Tilt, excellent game, good rock solid multiplayer online functions.