Best Action Experience for a First Person Shooter Available

User Rating: 9.8 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Having played a number of FPSs like many reading this I was excited just experiencing this game. Like the first time I played Halo: Combat Evolved and was amazed by the A.I., here again is another example of having great A.I. makes a great game. If you took away the video and the audio and just focused on the A.I. you'd still have to give this game props. But luckily the visuals and audio are sweet as well.

Video: Mostly great. I still long for the day when anywhere I look things are vivid and lifelike. Sharp and detailed. You get this in things like the guns and buildings and vehicles (from a distance). Come right up on them though and things can seem a little blurry and untextured. Though this again is right on top of them. And I'm being ultra picky. I don't have any game I'm aware of that does this. Maybe F.E.A.R? Otherwise this is one of the stronger pieces visually for the 360 launch. And the smoke...absolutely incredible. Best. Smoke. Ever.

Audio: I won't say much other than the constant barrage of bullets and chatter helps to add a great deal to this game. That combined with the fact that its all done well gives my highest regards to the audio department. 5.1 users will love it!

Gameplay: Uber fun. Can't say that too often about any game I've ever played, and I've played hundreds. They did a great job keeping the fun as the focus. No health packs, no easy death (unless you play in Verteran difficulty - ouch!). You see the screen start to go red and you hide. It really adds to the intensity that you are have to fight your way deeper into the city, or up a hill, or whatever. Again, A.I. was fantastic. Thank you multicore processing :)

Value: Worth it. Buy it!