just like...wow!
you play in several countries, city's and battles.
well, it has incredible realism!
shooting a tank with an smg or rifle is total suicide, and using a bazooka against infantry is a waste of ammo. you can carry up to 2 weapons at a time, and you have the ability of taking guns from dead enemy's or allies.
you have 3 chapters for the russians and the amerikans each, and 4 chapters for the britisch. each chapter has 3 levels. so that makes 9 levels amerikans and russians each, and 12 levels for the britisch. that makes 30 levels.
there is no health bar, instead, if you get shot the screen gets red at the borders and you hear your soldier suffering. if you get 2,3 more bullets when you have a red screen, say hello to the loading screen!
you will be playing in stalingrad, moscow, el alamein, caen and many others! there is no real "boss". perhaps the occasional panzer or tiger but, thats it.
there are no tanks in multiplayer, and no bazookas. you will hear germans curse over times and there will be a joke left and right. like a teddy bear sitting on a bed or a trooper saying "bazooka? i tought Tom had the bazooka!" in front of a tiger tank.
there is incredibly realistic smoke when a tank shoots and if you (or your team mates) are hiding inside a house a tank could rip the walls apart!
there are FEW missions where you play in a tank. (2 to be exact)
but there are 2 drawbacks. too much action on-screen can cause lag and in multiplayer, (almost) all the german players have heavy machine guns.
its not really a "heavy" machine gun but its like the bren or bar.
anyway, its an incredible game and its worth the money!
playing as a russian private, britisch sergeant or amerikan corporal is much fun.
last note, there is d-day, but its on "pointe - du - hoc" and not omaha beach!
rangers lead the way!