HOLY S***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best of the 360 launch line-up

User Rating: 9.3 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Look lets not beat around the bush here, call of duty 2 for the xbox 360 just about kills all the other launch titles in many catagories.
first, its action is amazingly fast paced and brutal. i felt physicly exhausted after playing 3 levels in-game. the single player missions are nearly perfect in every respect and accidently made me care for some charicters i was fighting with, ther was one who was with me the entire mission and i restarted to my last checkpoint just to be able to try and protect him from being shot in the head. his name was pvt. phillip and i failed in the long run to try and save him. it made me think a bit, hes probably some kid who got sent to war and has a family behind him who will sorely miss this dead shot in the head soldier. moments like this is what call of duty has going for it throughout the single player missions, the voice-acting is executed perfectly, the graphics and detail is phenomenal without using too much shine ( a major problem with most "next-gen" games), that and its combat is really fast paced and when you hugging to that last clip of ammo you took off that germans corpse and they just chucked a gernade at you while cover fire is pinning you down and your friends just got torn down by mchine gun fire and rifles are aimed at you. surprisingly you cn get out of these situations if you think them through. now for the parts where i can rip this game apart, multiplayer is bad and a bit un balanced, the nly 8 player deathmatch really doesnt help the game very much, that and the single player campaign is short clocking in only 10 hours long and leaving you hungering for more action. luckily the a.i. is so good you will go back and play missions over again. also the controls are very tight and good but it takes some getting used to and the tank battles are very clunky and uncawardinated. all in all call of duty 2 is a very great package that is a must play.