This is a game any shooter fan should have.

User Rating: 9.1 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Single Player: In the single player mission you will play as the Russians, British and Americans. Each have their own feel with different weapons. In the SP the level design is pretty linear. but it doesn't feel like it when your playing. In the single player you will have some awesome moments. For example in the Russian level you will have to defend a position and Tons of Germans attack you position after that you lead a counter attack against them. You...Oh i better no give it away =) And also I would highly recommend playing on the hardest difficulty because the AI is way too easy on easy. Multiplayer: This is were you put your skill to the test. In multiplayer you play with up to 7 other players online. I know its not a lot but it means more communication between you and your team-mates. The Maps on multiplayer are very well done and feel right. there are different map for different tastes. If you like close quarters maps, there is Burgundy and for sniping, Tunisia. you can also download content and maps from the Xlive marketplace. Its usually pretty easy to find a game also.

Lastly, COD2 for the Xbox360 simply is a great game. The graphics are still great. On Ebay you can find it for about 20 dollars. Thanks for looking. I hope this helped.