This game shows what could be the start of a positive life for the 360.

User Rating: 9.1 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Call Of Duty 2 (COD2) is a first person shooter developed by Infinity Ward. It is set in WWII. The game has you playing in three seperate forces those being the Russians, the British and the American forces. Each group has its fair share of the game roughly taking up a third of the total time. If your a complete RETARD and don't know what the plot could happen to be about i'll briefly describe it. Stop the Nazi War Machine...done. The game has you playing all over the mostly in France and Russia but there are also sections in Africa and Germany giving it enough variance to stop players getting bored.
The visuals are smooth and well detailed. You can see that the developers wanted to create a really authentic feel with the game and it can be seen in the levels. The smoking chassis of destroyed buses in the Stalingrad level and the bloody muddy trenches of the Point du Hoc make you feel like its really accurate. Soldiers are also well designed and animated. Nailing a nazi in the head and watching the spray of blood is most certainly addictive. However the visual really are shown best in the smoke grenades, as the smoke animation is so perfectThe sound is great as well, there is little in the way of music due to the constant rattling of gunfire and boom of explosions but its soo firm and definitie it gives the feeling of war really well.

The gamelpay is where the game takes off. The shooting pretty typical you can carry 2 guns and zoom, but there are aspects of the game that feel so good, like the varing recoil between guns, promotes burst fire instead of long sprays. The aiming is also helped by the ability to look down the guns sight due to the lack of a crosshair again raising the authenticity. As well as fireing there the ability to throw grenades both frawg and smoke. Certain touches like the difference between 'pinapple' american grenades and the 'potato masher' nazi grenades is just great. The second main aspect of the game is cover. Just by pressing one button you can crouch and crawl. In the later difficulties this is imperitive to survival as three shots can kill you easily so covering behind stuff is definetly important. There are often walls or bollards to hid behing in most levels so its always an available option. The AI in the game is impressive as well. While enemies thrown grenades back and take cover , allies also do the same but also point out enemy locations and strong points in levels as well as warn you of grenades. Also unlike Halo and other games you can't kill them as you get arrested for traitorous acts. There are also two missions where you drive tanks but the controls are awkward and its frustratingly easy to die. Apart from thats its awsome.
The multiplayer aspect of the game is fun and the many modes of play give lifespan. There are some weapons you can't use in the main game so thats a little bonus.
The game itself is about 10 hours of so long. If you complete it at higher difficulties then that adds even more time plus multiplayer. Unfortunately theres no co-op but who cares.

Any problems? Well the grenade indictor sometimes doesn't come up. Also head shots don't always kill. whats up with that. Umm its hard. The on rails sections are sometimes a bit boring and frustrating.
ps the difficulty relates to the top level