Call of Duty 2 is the latest and greatest in the COD series. With intense action and a immpersive epic battles.

User Rating: 8.7 | Call of Duty 2 X360

It is know amantitory to have a WWII for a console at launch, but the real question is do we really want to shoot virtual Germans again? In COD2 we would do it all over again.

Story: In COD2 you play as 4 soiders one of wich is a tank commander, playing as Russian, British and American in different places all around the world gives you a non-linerer path. Like other CODs its not about a plot but about the action.

Gameplay: CODs is very intense you always feel over wellmed and because there are very few scripted events you never know what is going to happen next, this makes the single player extremly replayable. They have added some new additions to the gameplay like smoke grenades and very diverse AI. The AI is so good they will come up with countless ways to beat you, and because the levels are so big and diverse It always plays differenently. The guns all have a different feel to them and work realisticly.

Sound: COD sounds amazing, caonstant yelling and barking orders makes the chareters feel real and alive and for once it is not fill in when they say somthing they are accually giving important imformantion make you to depend on them to win. And music that rivals any other FPS.

Graphics: CODs graphics are solid and crisp and have smoke affects that look better everytime chareters have many different faces snow effects look great. They only problem with them is that it dose'nt look ''next-gen'' some things look nice but others don't and what would have made everything even beeter would be destructible everments and objects sometimes buildings and things to take damage but alll those moments are scripted. One thing that does make the graphics look a bit better is that there can be hundereds of people on screen at once all having seperate tasks and it always stays at 60 frames per second.

Verdict: In the end COD is a highly reccomendable game for any FPS fan with high replayablity and extensive online is a game that you will be proud to own on you next-gen console.

+ Intense and immersive action
+ Sounds amazing
+ Great AI
+ Huge battles
+ online

- Graphics though solid are hard to call next-gen
- online could have been more indepth
-enviorment destruction only happens in scripted moments