This game, is certainly a must buy, do not be left out of this great game
The graphics of the game, are great, not bad, not fantastic, but they are great.
The sound is excellent in the game, the sound totally gives u a feel of what a war is like, a lot of screaming. Also the u hear bullets hitting stuff and u hear the enemy screaming and stuff like that.
Game play is great, no the gameplay is phenomenal. COD2 plays like a fast fun get in the action game. u constantly aim fire and take risks, it can be strategic if u want it to be, but it is incredibly fun.
The lasting appeal is rather short if done on easy mode, but veteran mode knocks it down to 4 shots and its over. Plus the online play has been fixed so there isnt any more massive lag.
If you have not picked up COD2, u should go pick it up right away, because this game is not something to pass up!