Pure Adrenalin!!!

User Rating: 8.1 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Graphics are incredible. It could be better but quite good for beeing one of the first games in cataloge. The playabality of this game keeps you entertained for hours. Really entertainfull. I really recommend this game. The only thing is a bit not on the same level is the online play.Could be lot better in that case needs a bit of more action. But except for that is amazing. In that way you can't waist the oportunity to play this 2nd world war game..........................That's All...........NOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAYNOTHING ELSE TO SAYNOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAYNOTHING ELSE TO SAYNOTHINNOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAYNOTHING ELSE TO SAYNOTHING ELSE TO SAY G ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAYNOTHING ELSE TO SAYNOTHING ELSE TO SAY