This WWII game really exceeded my expectations. This runs at 30 FPS on my GeForce 5200, which really suprised me because of the level of detail in this game. The player's skin was too pale, though. This game could've had more of the "fun factor" which includes doing things like picking up things and throwing them at people. The most fun I had with this game was with the Thompson SMG. Mow down waves of germans with its .45 ammunition. Thompsons, man. What really sucked was that it should've been longer and fast-paced. And you should've been able to pick up a MG or .30cal and move it, like the other characters. There should've been a mission where you're in an airplane and you drop bombs on targets. That would've been fun. So anyways, this game was good.
How do you top one of the most succesful shooters of all time?, by essenitally doing the exact same thing's for the sequel it would seem. I know many of you will be tired of World War 2 shooters by now, the same stuff re... Read Full Review
A sequel to the 2003 game, Call of Duty 2 tells the story of three soldiers from different parts of the world – Russia, UK and US, fighting against the same enemy – Nazi Germany. Call of Duty 2 takes the high standard... Read Full Review