Best 360 game out there
User Rating: 9.4 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Call of Duty 2 is an unbeliveable experience. It puts you in the shoes of a Russian soldier defending Russia and going through Stalingrand a British soldier going through Egypt and a american soldier going through D-day and Crossing the Rhine. When you play it, it feels like your are the soldier going through those various events. The Multiplayer is a disappointment though. The PC version supported up to 32 players while the 360 version suported only up to 8. Hopefully they bring Call of Duty 3 up to 16-32 players. I don't get only having 8 players because both Finest Hour and Big Red One both had up to 16 players. But the Single player was too good for the multiplayer to bring it down. The frame rate is solid and the game never freezes.
Gameplay 9 Like I said the singleplayer is unbeliveable it would be a 10 if the multiplayer was better though.
Graphics 9 The graphics might not be "next gen" but they are solid compared to some other 360 games.
sound 10 It feels like you are shooting guns from WWII and it sounds like you are to and the explosions sound realistic too.
Value 9 this game has high replay ability.
Tilt 10
Call of Duty 2 is the best 360 game that is not a port of a game that came out months ago and the best 360 game that you will see in a while.