A Realistic War, which leaves you breathless with nothing but your squad and a few bullets

User Rating: 9.4 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Some games seem to take things to new and more intense heights with their gerne and this is certainly one of them. The level of chaos that takes place on screen as bullets fly past; squadmates shout out orders and locations of the enemy, is quite astonishing. Your health is like Halo and usaully is ok, which tends to take away from the action

ENTERTAINMENT: "the objective of war is not to die for your country but to make the other poor b****** die for his". This is the type of famous quote you will recieve when playing the game. COD 2 has a very extensive campaign and great multiplayer. It has you wraped up in the action the whole way through. You will get to first battle the Nazis with the Communist Soviets. Then the Brittish and finally the Americans. The battles are rarely small and always intense. The Sound of bullets flying past and sqad members yelling out to you is amazingly well put together. Controls are some of the best i have ever played for a console. Graphics are not as brillant as they were a year ago but they still glean with that new generation smell. The A.I. of your squadmates and enemy are very impressive and don't just sit their let you pump them with bullets. They use group tactics and even when shot try to crawl for their lives.

PROS: Long and Exciting Campaign and great multiplayer, Pretty much everything else, is well done and seemingly perfect as a WW2 game.

CONS: Health issues when your facing a small amount of enemys somtimes takes away from the action. Multiplayer restricted to only 8.

OVERALL: Call of Duty 2 is overall undoubtably one of the best WW2 games ever made. So If you are thinking about buying this for your 360 or renting; Buy it, buy it now!