Not as good as everybody says.
User Rating: 7.8 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Well, since everybody seemed to be raving about how great the Call of Duty series is, and how CoD2 was such a bar setting game for the 360, I thought I would give it a shot and be as impressed. Maybe my expectations were too high. My first problem with the game is a lack of story. Or maybe it is too many stories. There are three different campaigns in the game (Russian, British, and American), so you are never left long enough with one nationality to fully understand what the heck is really going on, or develop any kind of close association with your character or those around him. My second problem is the overall disregard for any kind of realism in the game. If you find good cover, and start shooting Germans, then Germans will continue to keep defending their objective. No matter how many you kill, they will keep spawning. So the only way to take an objective is to try to kill as many as possible from afar, then rush headlong into the objective in hopes that you get there before the new spawns magically come about. Basically, the player is left with a feeling that if he stands in the open long enough, runs around fast enough, and shoots a whole heck of a lot of bullets, then you'll survive, beat the Germans, and be victorious. Maybe I have been playing (and liking) too many games like Brothers in Arms and Full Spectrum Warrior where you simply can't run and gun through a whole game. I understand that running and gunning is fun, especially when I know that the game is pure fantasy/fiction (Halo, Timesplitters, Mace Griffin, Serious Sam), but when the game is supposed to based on actual events, characters, locations (ie World War II), then I guess I expect tactics to come into play just a little bit. I enjoyed playing CoD2, because it was next gen, had beautiful graphics and sound, ran incredibly smooth, and had all kinds of authentic weapons and targets/missions, but that is about where it ended for me.