Long awaited sequel was well worth the wait.
Cons: Friendly AI will shoot at crawling enemies instead of just using their melee attacks. New health system makes the game Halo-ish. Multiplayer is sub-par, but still fun. Can only carry two guns.
Overall: If you're not sick of WW2 themed games yet, or a fan of Call of Duty, this game is the one for you.
Notes: Post Call of Duty 2, action mainly consisted of following a compass around and scrounging for health packs along the way. In Call of Duty 2, you're still following the little star on your compass. But wait, there's five little stars!
Smoke grenades add a real of realism and tension. Example: You're pinned down by enemy fire. You're low on Thompson ammo. A comrade has fallen and dropped his ammunition, but his corpse is out in the open. You toss a smoke grenade in front of his corpse or in front of the enemies and make a dash for the gun. You reload and charge their positions.