I don't think that a VIDEO GAME PLAYER, could get any closer to a real "War Like" experience, than COD2. Fastastic!
The Music and Sound Effects are all top notch. The levels are Huge, with numerous goals and many different paths to get to them, and the ENEMY isn't satisfied with just popping their head up for you to snipe......They Flank You, Rush You, and they're always moving around to get to cover and to a new position to get a better shot at you.
Even when you shoot them, (Unless it's a head shot) They're still trying to pick their gun back up to SHOOT AT YOU SOME MORE.
I know if I was shot, I wouldn't just sit there bleeding.....
Kudo's to the COD2 team, and your staff of War Historians who were really allowed to give their input into a game and a Gaming System that can finally handle it.
CALL OF DUTY 2, is a must play. Not just for War Game Buffs, or FPS Fanatics.....but for everybody. Even Your Teenagers.
WAR is not a glorified "Run and Gun".......And it's good that everybody has a better idea of exactly what our "Servicemen and Women" endure for our country.