The wii version falls short of the playstation and XBOX versions.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty 3 WII
A, what could be, great game is ruined by poor controls and the lack of training to learn hot to use them. Training can consist of as little as throwing three grenades and shooting three bullets. So basically they expect you to learn how to play the game with six clicks of the wii remote. It's like being shiped off to fight in Afghanistan without knowing how to hold a gun. However apart from what i've just ranted about Call of Duty three or the wii is a pretty solid game. The sound affects are brilliant, the graphics aren't perfect but there not to good and it provides you with hours of adrenaline puming world war two gameplay. So in conclusion Call od Duty three for the wii is a pretty solid game with a few faults which i'm sure can be sorted in future Call of Duties and all for a great price aswell, only £19.99.