Good But Not The Best
This is a good game but the story isen't engageing because you don't say a word as any of the charecters through the whole game! but when your playing the game it is very good and the sound is the best.
The story line
Well you play as sevral diffrent charecters through the game each one without a speaking part which is a big downfall in the game but on the first mission Saint Lo there is a good part were Mcullin points his gun at Guzzo so the story is....well....ok.
The weapons on trhe game are really good but there isen't a lot of vairety for each mission for exsample you only start off with two diffrent guns and then you can only get another two guns from the Germans so you only get four diffrent guns for each mission unless you have to use a bazzoka or something.
The graphics for the buildings, axies, allies vercals guns and furniture are good in other words most of the game but they can be really bad when you get close to something for exsample when your setting a bomb and you see your hand the graphics for that are rubbish
So for the story line i give a 1.5/4 because it is bad but i've sceen worse for the weapons i give 2/3 because there awsome but there isen't much vriaety and i give the graphics a 2/3 because there mostly good but when you see a close up of anything it says a diffrent story so i give Call Of Duty 3 a 7.5/10