Great fast coming fun :D

User Rating: 9.3 | Call of Duty 3 X360
Call of duty 3:

Sound: Excelant sound feels like your there in the war expecially when tanks fire but it could be alot better Gameplay: Superb a very hands on game a great feature to the game, its just fight ater fight just absoulutely insane :D

Graphics: Great graphics but could be better a shame that you cant make your charactor and different fases but apart from that its great

Value: Good value for money stil reducing in price

Tilt: great tilt look around change angel a great feature to the game

Multiplayer: In my eyes i think multiplayer (XBL) is absalutely insane :D
Including great maps and cool wepons also drivable vechiles like jeeps tanks also when you play there are modes like .........

Team battle
Capture the flag
and more..