Something about it maked me bored of this game. Best on PC i think.

User Rating: 6.3 | Call of Duty 3 (Platinum Hits) XBOX
I don't know why but this game made me feel bored. I have played (1-3) of the Call of Duty's, (1-2) on the computer and i found that the ones on the computer more..... well funner then COD3 on xbox. Maybe cause i play number 2 on the internet but still it lacked the stuff to make me get on the edge of my seat.

The Graphics are great and i like the way you put the bombs on guns and how you fight off the enemy by clicking R and L repeatedly then whacking them by pressing YBorA. The sound was also perfect with the explosions of tanks and that stuff. The gameplay was alright but not perfect for me. I would rent this game or buy it for the computer (PC) so you can verse other people on the internet. Not a game i would go out my way to buy for my xbox unless it was cheap.