Call of duty 3..naah just play the other two their much better

User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty 3 X360
Im not saying its a bad game or anything but if you have to choose between this one or CoD 2 for the 360 choose CoD 2 but you should play the first one on computer thats the best one. ok sure you enter the game really cool start lots of grenades and stuff is flying every were just plain cool fire fight.
If you havent played the others go ahead buy the game BUT if you have played the others its not worth it its the same thing but with better graphics.

nice graphics
Awesome battles (as usual)
CoD games are always fun

its the same thing as the other two!!
kinda hard to see the enemies sometimes
you get really annoyed when you dont see that a grenade is right by your feet and you die and have to do some hard part all over again

i gave it 6.5 its good but the other CoDs are better