So its the first day i start playing and i thought i was gonna get amazed by stunning graphics. Boy was i wrong. The character designs were crap all the graphics looked like they were just downgraded from COD2. I was so disappointed. The only thing that was good as i played was the sound and the intensity of the battle. Graphics wise i just couldnt stand to play anymore. Especialy the over active story line got to me to. The game was long and that was one factor i liked. Regardless of the hand to hand combat that was setup. Its like all they did was downgrade call of duty 2 in the graphics department and made the battlescenes better. Basicly this is what lead to the death of the series. Regardless of the multiplayer there just wasnt enough in this game for me to like it. Just ruined my experience of labeling call of duty one of the best ww2 games out there. For ture call of duty 2 fans dont touch will be scard.
I am a big fan of CoD2 so i went out and bought this because it looked amazing however i was very let down. It is quite fun to play for an hour then it just gets annoying. It feels to restrictive. In CoD2 you could ru... Read Full Review
I brought COD3 pretty much because it came in cheaper than gears of war, and within 20mins of playing i knew id made the wrong choice. Firstly, Im not going to trash this game for being on the rails, you buy a call of... Read Full Review