The 3rd installment to the COD franchise is a step in the right direction. I thought that COD 1 was terrible. So bad that I sold it on ebay the day after I purchaced it. My passion for military games led me to check out the second installment and I thought that they made some quality improvments. The 3rd game is extremely fun! I found it to be somewhat challenging on normal mode (almost unplayable on hard) but a tad too short. The graphics are very good on the PS2 and the sounds are on par with what you would expect. COD 3 has some new cool features that deviate from other games of the genre. Every now and then you will be forced to use your controller to get out of some sticky situations like jumping on an unsespecting German leading to a brutal hand to hand combat. All you have to do is quickly push R1 and R2 but it is things like this that make the game that much more enjoyable. The weapon selection is typical of WW2 weapons and you even have a few missions where you drive a tank or even spot targets for them with your binocculars. Nice touch! All in all the game was worth the money I paid for it and I believe that its replay value should keep me playing it more in the future. *NOTE- I have not played the multiplayer yet but this is an obvious bonus for purchacing the game*
Gameplay is pretty standard, the usual Cod :) it has some new additions tho, one of em you'll meet early on - a guy surprise-attacks you, what follows is a furious face to face button mashing, quite fun :) Graphics are e... Read Full Review
Call of Duty3 is really a great game. Every time i play it i get a rsh no other game can give. So i broke it down, explaining my ratings.= ========================================================= Gameplay: great. lot... Read Full Review