Call of Duty Wii full review right here. No biased opinion or one-side of the story, read this and decide for yourself
User Rating: 8.8 | Call of Duty 3 WII
There was several games I was looking at for Wii launch, but by far I wanted Call of Duty 3. First thing you will notice, Wii call of duty has no multiplayer. Kind of depressing when you think about how the wii has perfect online capabilities. Next thing you will notice is the cool control. Do not listen to all of these people complaining about control of the two Wii launch fps. Controlling is fast, efficient, and fun. Remember dynamic aim in your old timesplitters games? Sucked with a controller didn't it? On the wii, dynamic aim is the standard setting and makes shooting nazis a breeze. And finally there is a first person shooter where you can turn as quick as you can in real life. Turning was best of sensitivity of 3, but I had a small controller malfunction on that setting so I switched to 2 and although it is abit slower it works great. Sound was good most of the time, but I noticed that here and there it missed some gunfire or grenade explosions. AI is pretty good, and like all Call of Duty games it seems like a game version of saving private ryan. If you are able to drag alot out of your video games like me, you will find more than one play out of this game. Others will probably beat it and be very disappointed. In a short sum-up, simply this game is a great introduction to wii fps. In many parts you will find yourself tweaking the nunchuk to set a bomb or drive a car or move a pak gun or mortar. It is a solid game with great substance, yet not alot to offer.